Minor Arkana



1.Ace of wands

2.Two of wands

3.Three of wands

4.Four of wands

5.Five of wands

6. Six of wands

7. Seven of wands

8. Eight of wands

9.Nine of wands

10.Ten of wands

Princess of wands

Prince of wands

Queen of wands

King of wands







1.Ace of Swords

2. Two of Swords

3.Three of Swoeds

4.Four of Swords

5. Five of Swords

6.Six of Swords

7.Seven of Swords

8.Eight of Swords

9.Nine of Swords

10.Ten of Swords

Princess of Swords

Prince of Swords

Queen of Swords

King of Swords



1.Ace of Pentacles

2.Two of Pentacles

3.Three of Pentacles

4.Four of Pentacles

5.Five of Pentacles

6.Six of Pentacles

7.Seven of Pentacles

8.Eight of Pentacles

9.Nine of Pentacles

10.Ten of Pentacles

Princess of Pentacles

Prince of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

King of Pentacles



1.Ace of Cups

2.Two of Cups

3.Three of Cups

4.Four of Cups

5.Five of Cups

6.Six of Cups

7.Seven of Cups

8.Eight of Cups

9.Nine of Cups

10.Ten of Cups

Princess of Cups

Prince of Cups

Queen of Cups

King of Cups